On Luck
How much of our life is just because of luck? In fact if you think about it, our own conception is just an accident, a quirk of fate. In case you didn’t know, each sperm cell contains only half the father’s DNA. But the DNA is not identical from sperm to sperm because each man is a mixture of the genetic material from his parents, and each time a slightly different assortment of that full DNA set gets divided to go into a sperm. Similarly each egg is unique. So you can imagine how improbable our existence is, but just by chance we were conceived and announced our presence into this world.
Now all that is just talking about our genetic matter. Per Hindu philosophy the time of our birth, controls which spirit gets into our body to give us life. If this were to be true then even a few minutes this way or that way could’ve changed which spirit was available. This spirit brings with it its Vaastu, set of habits and behaviors, which overlaid with our genetic matter makes us who we are. So clearly the combination of mind and matter that makes us who we are is just purely serendipitous.
Even you reading this sentence is just fortuitous. In your busy day what prompted you to take a minute to read this particular blog. Makes you wonder 💭 ! Chance or luck or probability plays such an important part of our every day lives. Just reflecting on our past we can each draw a graph with each node (representing a decision point) having multiple paths and just the quirk of fate making us choose one among the many paths at each node.
Even believers in astrology have to admit that chance plays a significant role in our lives. On average two hundred and sixty kids are born every minute across the world. No two lives in any minute sample are likely to have identical lives. The family into which we are born, the location of our birth, the people we meet all have a role in our lives. We might think we choose our friends, but relationships happen. No matter how hard you try some will not work out while others will flourish. We don’t always get what we want but others might envy us for what we have.
So if we can accept that, why then do we lament 😢, at every twist and turn we encounter. Isn’t life just an adventure with ups and downs that even out, as life progresses? Happiness comes from us accepting every challenge that per chance comes our way. Each gives us an opportunity to learn, to grow and widen our horizon. There are but a lucky few who give Dame Luck it’s fair due. If we can only accept every change that life thrust upon us with a smile and treat it as an opportunity, life could be so fulfilling. Instead our fear of change and the unknown makes us create artificial barriers that we hope will prevent change from being thrust on us.
So if luck or chance is a critical aspect of our lives, no wonder some of us pray for luck to help us achieve our ends. Little do we realize the futility of our prayers to have the providence interfere in our behalf. “One for sorrow, two for joy”, how many of us have used this to to portend what life has in store for us any day. So if we saw a single bird we are likely to fail and if we saw two life’s gonna be a treat. So we are praying to have the birds fly in pairs as we venture out so we can be successful. Little do we realize that it’s not the birds. But a number of uncertainties that need to align to make us successful. It’s the traffic in the road, the moods of those that you are presenting to, how calm and composed you are on a particular day, the Internet speed, your projector bulb, all of which can influence or impact how you do that day. These variabilities of life are what make our life interesting, Give life a Chance !